At their height

By | 24 August 2017


Feature length documentary / In production / Release expected in 2022


As filmmakers who became parents in a North American suburb, we asked ourselves how to explain life to our children. Searching for answers, we grabbed our camera and immersed ourselves for nearly four years in our children’s world—a realm where each small act is extraordinary and where each story remains untold. Little Béatrice, with her boundless 3-year-old energy, plunges us into her lively world of make-believe. While her elder brother Émile, now learning to read and write, begins to ask questions like, “Are atoms alive?” Gradually, Émile also shows an interest in his father’s camera. Through a mix of observational style and lyrical visuals from a child’s point of view, this cinematographic journey prompts us to reflect: What do we lose as we grow up? And what stories of life do we wish to pass down to them?


This project is supported in production by Telefilm Canada, the SODEC, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and  Québec City. It has also been supported in development by the SODEC, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and Québec City.