The situation of Rohingya refugees at the heart of one of our next films

By | 5 November 2018

The situation of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, too little known around the world, will be at the heart of one of our next documentaries : Wandering without return. In October 2018, the documentary photographer Renaud Philippe, whose work is praised worldwide, and the filmmaker Olivier Higgins, filmed for nearly three weeks in southeastern Bangladesh. They plunged into the harsh reality of what is, to this day, the largest refugee camp in the world: the Kutupalong camp. Shaken, but enriched with the poignant testimonies of dozens of people, we are currently beginning the post-production phase of this film and seeking funding to ensure that it can see the light of day.

***This shoot was made possible thanks to a successful socio-financing campaign via KissKisBankBank. Thank you to all of you!